Wondrium Insights: Promises and Perils of Technology


01: Caterina Fake: Keeping Humanity in Our Technology
Would you prepare for a life in technology by studying literature in college? That’s exactly the path taken by Caterina Fake, technology developer (founder of Flickr) and venture capitalist. Fake believes the humanities—e.g., ethics, philosophy—must be a crucial part of technology going forward. Learn what can go wrong when developers are educated only in coding and explore the benefits of having a wider base of knowledge before making the next technological leap. Instead of technology making us less human, it can be developed to nurture human society.

02: David Kushner: Chronicling the Evolution of Digital Culture
Journalist David Kushner reminds us that the story of technology is the fascinating story of the coders’ creativity, ambition, and irrepressible desire to overcome obstacles. Yes, we are now living in a world of block-chain gaming, nonfungible tokens, augmented reality, and additional nomenclature that can be off-putting to some. But you’ll see why Kushner’s fascinating experiences reporting on digital culture since its birth lead him to challenge us to “just jump in.” How else can we discover the promises and perils of technology in our personal worlds?

03: Dr. Knatokie Ford: Bringing Diversity to STEM Education
Who looks like a scientist? Dr. Knatokie Ford says we all do. Biomedical scientist Ford will take you deep into the policies and plans that are needed to ensure that every child can imagine himself or herself as a scientist. Discover why it is crucial to foster inclusion in the technology space, and the significant difference between equality and equity. Studies have proven that team diversity increases innovation in problem-solving. But even for students who are not going into STEM jobs, learn why Ford pushes hard for them to have a STEM education, too.

04: Leland Melvin: Exploring Our Future in Space
If you had the opportunity to work on the International Space Station, it’s easy to imagine that you would be fascinated and enthralled by the science. That was certainly the case for retired NASA astronaut, materials science engineer, and former NFL player Leland Melvin. But beyond the science and technology, Melvin’s biggest takeaway from space was about people. Explore what he felt he could accomplish in space that had eluded humanity on Earth—and why the answer is always about the people, never about the technology alone.

05: Taryn Southern: Hacking Our Bodies and Minds
Since adapting technology as her “window to the outside world” at a very young age, digital strategist Taryn Southern has never lost her boundary-pushing passion to see what’s just over that next hill. Bringing cutting-edge technology into her award-winning work in art, music, filmmaking, virtual reality, and more, she is absolutely optimistic about the future of technology. Discover her fascinating personal and professional stories about biohacking, and why she firmly believes technology can help all of us live our best lives.