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The Joy of Ancient History

Great heroes, epic battles, lost civilizations. Journey into the past with 36 lectures curated from our most popular ancient history courses.
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For years, The Great Courses has taken you on stirring explorations of our ancient roots. The Joy of Ancient History is an insightful collection of 36 lectures curated from our most popular ancient history courses. Guided by our highly rated professors, hopscotch around the world to experience the fascinating variety that ancient history offers: from great heroes and epic battles to lost civilizations and beyond.


J. Rufus Fears

We are no wiser than the Athenians of the 5th century B.C., no wiser than Sophocles for our science of today has shown us the overwhelming power of genes, of DNA.


University of Oklahoma
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By This Professor

Famous Greeks
The World Was Never the Same: Events That Changed History
Life Lessons from the Great Books
The Wisdom of History
Kenneth W. Harl

We will be looking largely at archeological evidence and analysis done by anthropologists because we are operating largely in a world without writing.


Tulane University
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By This Professor

The Ottoman Empire
The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes
The Vikings
The Fall of the Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity
Robert Garland

Working for the Great Courses enables me to reach people who prize learning for learning's sake. It's they who inspire me to close the gap between past and present, by demonstrating what it meant then, and what it means now, to be human.


Colgate University

Robert Garland is the Roy D. and Margaret B. Wooster Professor of the Classics, Emeritus, in the Department of the Classics at Colgate University. He has a PhD in Ancient History from University College London. A former Fulbright Scholar, he was also a fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington DC and a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He has written 19 books, including Greek Mythology: Gods and Heroes Brought to Life and Roman Legends Brought to Life. He has also published extensively in academic and popular journals and served as a consultant for educational film companies.

By This Professor

Living History: Experiencing Great Events of the Ancient and Medieval Worlds
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World
The Greek World: A Study of History and Culture
Wondrium Perspectives
John R. Hale

The most important record of religious history resides not in books and sacred texts but buried in the earth.


University of Louisville
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By This Professor

The Art of Public Speaking
The Great Tours: Greece and Turkey, from Athens to Istanbul
Exploring the Roots of Religion
The Greek and Persian Wars
Gregory S. Aldrete

As an ancient historian, my goals are to share the enthusiasm for and fascination with antiquity that I feel, and to show some of the connections between that world and our own.


University of Wisconsin–Green Bay

Gregory S. Aldrete is Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay. He earned his PhD in Ancient History from the University of Michigan. He has been honored with numerous awards for his research and teaching and has received five fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities. He is also a prolific scholar whose books include Gestures and Acclamations in Ancient Rome, Daily Life in the Roman City, and The Long Shadow of Antiquity: What Have the Greeks and Romans Done for Us?

By This Professor

History's Great Military Blunders and the Lessons They Teach
The Decisive Battles of World History
A Historian Goes to the Movies: Gladiator Fact vs. Fiction
Persuasion and Propaganda in Ancient Rome: Cicero's Oratory
Edwin Barnhart

In my own experience as an explorer, it's almost always the case that the locals knew where lost places were all along. The discoverer is just the first person to ask the right questions.


Maya Exploration Center
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By This Professor

Ancient Civilizations of North America
Lost Worlds of South America
Exploring the Mayan World
Maya to Aztec: Ancient Mesoamerica Revealed
Bob Brier

To a great extent, the fun of history is in the details. Knowing what kind of wine Tutankhamen preferred makes him come alive.


Long Island University
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By This Professor

Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
History of Ancient Egypt
Wondrium Perspectives
Jeremy McInerney

All cultures are unique, I would argue. Japanese culture, Chinese culture, Indian culture-we even know now that cultures that were once dismissed as 'primitive' in fact have extremely rich cultural lives.


University of Pennsylvania
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By This Professor

Ancient Greek Civilization
Ken Albala

It may seem monomaniacal, but I teach about food, I write about food, I love to cook, I read about food for leisure-what better recipe is there for happiness than to make work and play completely seamless?


University of the Pacific
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By This Professor

Food: A Cultural Culinary History
Cooking across the Ages
Gary A. Rendsburg

I've always had a love of history, so I very much enjoy bringing this aspect to our course.


Rutgers University
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By This Professor

The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Book of Genesis
Craig G. Benjamin

These big ideas of Eastern civilization emerged thousands of years ago, but they endured and shaped the long history of these regions all the way to the present.


Grand Valley State University
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By This Professor

The Big History of Civilizations
Foundations of Eastern Civilization
Wondrium Perspectives
The Mongol Empire
Glenn S. Holland

To learn about religion is to learn about what motivates and inspires people at the most basic level, leading them to look beyond the everyday business of life to something more meaningful and ultimately more satisfying.


Allegheny College

Dr. Glenn S. Holland is the Bishop James Thoburn Professor of Religious Studies at Allegheny College. He earned his B.A. from Stanford University, his M.A. in Theology from the University of Oxford, and his Ph.D. in the Bible and New Testament Studies from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. Professor Holland is the recipient of several honors and awards, including the Thoburn Chair in Religious Studies in 1992, and the Divisional Professorship in Humanities at Allegheny College in 2003. Professor Holland wrote and edited several books, including Philodemus and the New Testament World and Divine Irony, a study of irony as the adoption of the divine perspectives on events in the human world. Professor Holland is a contributor and assistant editor for the award-winning journal Common Knowledge.

By This Professor

Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Marc Zender

The invention and development of writing is a fascinating subject; it sheds light on human ingenuity, complexity, and even on civilization itself.


Tulane University
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By This Professor

Writing and Civilization: From Ancient Worlds to Modernity
Bart D. Ehrman

After his crucifixion, Jesus' disciples came to believe he'd been raised from the dead and made a divine being. What had seemed like defeat became for them the ultimate cosmic victory.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bart D. Ehrman is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his MDiv and PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary. He has written or edited more than 30 books, including six New York Times bestsellers: Misquoting Jesus; God’s Problem; Jesus, Interrupted; Forged; How Jesus Became God; and The Triumph of Christianity. He has also received several teaching honors, including the John William Pope Center Spirit of Inquiry Award and the UNC Students’ Undergraduate Teaching Award.

By This Professor

How Jesus Became God
The New Testament
History of the Bible: The Making of the New Testament Canon
The Historical Jesus
Dr. Grant L. Voth

No idea of any single culture will ever capture the entire human sense of god, or creation, or the hero; and to get a more complete human picture, we have to look at the myths of many cultures.


Monterey Peninsula College
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By This Professor

Great Mythologies of the World
Myth in Human History
Lawrence M. Principe

One of the best things about history, to my mind, is that it gives us a sense of perspective-a perspective that often reveals how strange and atypical our times are in relation to the past.


Johns Hopkins University
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By This Professor

Science and Religion
Elizabeth Vandiver

I think many of the stories that we tell ourselves as a society–the stories that encode our hopes, aspirations, and fears–preserve the traces of classical culture and myth and are part of our classical legacy.


Whitman College
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By This Professor

The Odyssey of Homer
Classical Mythology
Greek Tragedy
Garrett G. Fagan

To learn about the people of antiquity is to examine the foundations of how we live today. They are at once alien and familiar, an image of ourselves glimpsed in a distant mirror.


The Pennsylvania State University
Garrett G. Fagan (1963–2017) was a Professor of Ancient History at Pennsylvania State University. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, and was educated at Trinity College. He earned his PhD from McMaster University and held teaching positions at McMaster University, York University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also gave many public lectures to audiences of all ages. Professor Fagan had an extensive research record in Roman history and held a prestigious Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship at the University of Cologne. He published numerous articles in international journals, and he wrote Bathing in Public in the Roman World. He also edited a volume on the phenomenon of pseudoarcheology.

By This Professor

The History of Ancient Rome
Great Battles of the Ancient World
David J. Schenker

The best of ancient Greek literature retains a freshness and immediacy that reaches far beyond its time and place of creation and speaks to readers and audience members today.


University of Missouri, Columbia

Dr. David J. Schenker is Associate Professor of Classical Literature at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he has taught since 1991. Dr. Schenker earned his Ph.D. in Classics from the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Schenker was a recipient of the 2006 American Philological Association Awards for Excellence in Teaching. At the University of Missouri-Columbia, he has won several teaching awards, including the Provost's Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Award and the William T. Kemper Award for Excellence in Teaching. His primary research interest is Greek literature of the 5th and early 4th centuries B.C.E., with a focus on Plato and the tragedians, especially Aeschylus. He has published articles on these subjects in several academic journals and was coeditor of the journal Classical and Modern Literature for six years.

David Roochnik

What if you were hurled into a time warp and came face to face with the Ancient Greeks? The Greeks invented trigonometry. They did autopsies and dissections. What could you tell an Ancient Greek that he couldn't say, 'Big deal.'?


Boston University

Dr. David Roochnik is Professor of Philosophy at Boston University, where he teaches in both the Department of Philosophy and the Core Curriculum, an undergraduate program in the humanities. He completed his undergraduate work at Trinity College, where he majored in philosophy, and earned his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Roochnik was awarded Boston University's Gitner Award in 1997 for excellence in teaching in the College of Arts and Sciences and the 1999 Metcalf Prize for campus-wide teaching excellence. He is the author of two books on Plato, The Tragedy of Reason: Toward a Platonic Conception of Logos and Of Art and Wisdom: Plato's Understanding of TECHNE. He has also published over 30 articles on a wide range of subjects in classical Greek philosophy and literature.

Jonathan P. Roth


San José State University
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Robert L. Dise Jr.

It’s a grand dream: the dream of empire, a dream of glory, a dream of fame, a dream with the power to inspire and the power to destroy.


University of Northern Iowa
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The Joy of Ancient History


Lessons of the Peloponnesian War

01: Lessons of the Peloponnesian War

What is the historical significance of the Peloponnesian War? Why is it still studied by scholars, philosophers, and popular historians? Discover why the lessons from this epic ancient conflict still resonate today.

34 min
Parthenon and Acropolis

02: Parthenon and Acropolis

Explore the glorious building program associated with the Greek statesman and general, Pericles. Learn how he took it upon himself to transform a motley assortment of shrines, treasure houses, and altars on the Acropolis into an artistically integrated sanctuary.

31 min
Heroes at Thermopylae

03: Heroes at Thermopylae

During the Greek and Persian Wars, a small band of 300 Spartans, led by King Leonidas, attempted to hold the Persian army back from a chief passage to inland Greece. Find out how, in their tragic defeat, the Greek forces found a legendary martyr and an extraordinary example of courage.

32 min
On Athenian Tragedy

04: On Athenian Tragedy

In this insightful lecture, investigate the Athenian drama of the Golden Age, focusing on tragedy produced by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Also, get an introduction to the roots, mechanics, and conventions of this great literary genre.

33 min
The Parable of the Cave

05: The Parable of the Cave

Perhaps because he realized the difficulty of understanding both the idea of the Good and the Divided Line, Socrates told another parable: that of the cave. Learn why, even today, Socrates’ metaphor remains a powerful example of challenging the nature of reality.

31 min
Famous Greeks—Solon

06: Famous Greeks—Solon

Many figures from archaic Greece are hardly more than names to us, but not Solon, who used his mind to serve his country. Here, get unique insights into the values and motives of the statesman whom America’s Founding Fathers so admired.

32 min
Aristotle's View of the Natural World

07: Aristotle's View of the Natural World

Aristotle’s interests were diverse and included ethics, politics, logic, and metaphysics; yet his primary impact was on the development of natural philosophy. This lecture introduces you to his writings and ideas as a response to his predecessors, Plato and the Pre-Socratics.

30 min
The Battles of Megiddo and Kadesh

08: The Battles of Megiddo and Kadesh

Why are the ancient battles of Megiddo and Kadesh still hotly debated? Find out with a glimpse of the first examples of ancient Egyptian battle narratives, which offer historians insight into the empire’s sophisticated military regimes and its use of propaganda.

30 min
Greco-Roman Views on Death—and Beyond

09: Greco-Roman Views on Death—and Beyond

Compare and contrast views of death among the Greeks and Romans. Although both cultures placed great emphasis on continuing ties between the living and the dead, the Romans incorporated the deceased into their lives to a much greater degree than the Greeks.

30 min
Gaius Julius Caesar

10: Gaius Julius Caesar

To Rome’s top politicians, Gaius Julius Caesar at first seemed nothing more than a political hack of little ability and less character. Uncover how Caesar’s expeditions in Gaul transformed world history, laying the foundations for the civilizations of France and western Europe

31 min
Early Germanic Europe

11: Early Germanic Europe

Germanic tribes came to represent the most ferocious barbarians Romans had encountered. Find out how these nomadic tribes foiled Roman attempts to conquer them, and how the Germanic dialects that eventually emerged gave rise to modern languages.

31 min
Gladiatorial Games

12: Gladiatorial Games

The Roman gladiator—fighting to the death before huge and bloodthirsty crowds—still fascinates us today. Who were the gladiators? How were they selected and trained? And how can we understand gladiatorial violence in light of Roman sophistication?

28 min
Dining in Imperial and Republican Rome

13: Dining in Imperial and Republican Rome

Delve into the intriguing dining habits of the ancient Romans, from the simple food customs of the expanding empire to the use of exotic food as a status symbol. Then, examine an ancient cookbook aimed at those Romans eager to flaunt their wealth.

30 min
The (Mad) Emperor Caligula

14: The (Mad) Emperor Caligula

The ancient sources tend to portray Caligula as deranged. But was he really insane? Examine different modern approaches to his behavior and explore an ancient eyewitness account that gives you a sense of what it was like to be in the emperor’s presence.

29 min
Being a Rich Roman

15: Being a Rich Roman

Check out the wealthy lives of the ancient Romans. You’ll tour a grand house in the city and countryside; learn about Roman customs of dress, food, and hygiene; and follow a rich Roman’s daily life (and meet the doting clients who make him seem important).

28 min
The Mystery Cults

16: The Mystery Cults

Mystery cults were believed to worship a particular god or goddess, and they often involved mysterious initiation rites. Learn how some cults have stirred a controversial debate between scholars, and whether these groups can be used to measure the decline of paganism.

31 min
Herodotus’s Account of Egypt

17: Herodotus’s Account of Egypt

Why does Egypt occupy the longest digression in Herodotus’s Histories? How does the ancient historian reconcile his view of Egypt as a source for Greek culture—while viewing it as a topsy-turvy land where Greek ways are oddly reversed? Find out in this intriguing lecture.

33 min
The Great Pyramid of Giza

18: The Great Pyramid of Giza

Get a nuts-and-bolts look at the Egyptians’ most monumental feat: the Great Pyramid of Giza. This lecture also discusses the 144-foot solar boat that was found in 1954, buried near the ancient structure.

30 min
Being an Egyptian Worker

19: Being an Egyptian Worker

As an ancient Egyptian, you might have been a herdsman, a hunter, or (most dangerously) a miner. Learn about professions that would have been available to you in the village of Deir el-Medina—from an educated scribe to a craftsman who built royal tombs.

32 min
Cleopatra—The Last Pharaoh

20: Cleopatra—The Last Pharaoh

Although she was possibly the most famous woman in the ancient world, Cleopatra remains an enigma to us today. This lecture reconstructs the iconic ancient Egyptian’s dramatic story—before and after Julius Caesar, and with Marc Antony.

32 min
What Do the Mayan Glyphs Say?

21: What Do the Mayan Glyphs Say?

How can the strikingly similar structural features of Mayan and ancient Egyptian writing systems be explained? Explore how Mayan writing works through a comparison with Egyptian hieroglyphs. Then, find out what scholars have learned about the Maya from decipherment.

31 min
The Amazon—Civilization Lost in the Jungle

22: The Amazon—Civilization Lost in the Jungle

Recent discoveries indicate the presence of massive ancient civilizations in the Amazon. Survey the evidence for their existence, starting with the Beni region’s elaborate system of mounds and canals. Then, continue exploring wide areas of ancient habitation that date back to 6000 B.C.

29 min
Chalice of Blood in Ancient Peru

23: Chalice of Blood in Ancient Peru

When archaeologists studied painted pots used by the Moche of South America, they found depictions of priests engaged in bloody human sacrifices; remains found at a later excavation matched the figures from these pots. Come to terms with this startling aspect of ancient religions.

31 min
Attila the Hun—Scourge of God

24: Attila the Hun—Scourge of God

Considered both a great leader and merciless conqueror, Attila the Hun has captured the popular imagination for centuries. Here, follow the story from his rise to power to his death, including the royal marriage proposal that ultimately led to the ravaging of western Europe.

32 min
Mesopotamian Creation Stories

25: Mesopotamian Creation Stories

Mesopotamian gods are like overlords in a political hierarchy, but with divine authority and power. This lecture reveals the wondrous gods of the Mesopotamian pantheon, and discusses two stories—the Enuma Elish and the myth of Adapa—that describe the origins of all things.

31 min
The Empire of Hammurabi

26: The Empire of Hammurabi

After Ur III, the subsequent power vacuum in Mesopotamia was filled by the famous King Hammurabi. Learn how he established the First Dynasty of Babylon (which collapsed after his death) and administered his kingdom through a detailed code of law.

32 min
The Epic of Gilgamesh

27: The Epic of Gilgamesh

In this lecture, examine one of the world’s oldest literary works: an ancient poem that combines a heroic story with a spiritual quest. Find out how the legendary King Gilgamesh comes to terms with the inevitability of mortality and becomes a more effective leader.

31 min
The Chariot Revolution

28: The Chariot Revolution

During history’s first major military revolution, the chariot spread east across Asia. See how its evolving design created a lethal weapons system—and also transformed pastoral life on the Asian steppes. Then, learn about the complex personnel and organization needed for chariot warfare.

32 min
The Assyrian War Machine

29: The Assyrian War Machine

The Assyrian military model involved a highly effective and complex war machine that characterized major Near Eastern powers for centuries. Study the nature of the Assyrian army, the unique features of the empire it created, and the place of warfare in Assyrian imperial ideology.

31 min
The Art and Architecture of Power

30: The Art and Architecture of Power

Ancient art and architecture unearthed by archaeologists are more than just evidence of the past or messages to the future; they were often meant as statements to their own time. Discover how ancient societies used art and architecture to promote their rule and illustrate their power.

30 min
Cyrus, Xenophon, and the Ten Thousand

31: Cyrus, Xenophon, and the Ten Thousand

Prince Cyrus, under the facade of suppressing hill tribes, assembled the famed army of Ten Thousand to challenge his brother’s claim to the throne. Among them was Xenophon, who later wrote about the epic march into the heart of the Persian Empire.

31 min
Opening the First Dead Sea Scroll

32: Opening the First Dead Sea Scroll

Immerse yourself in the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls, starting with the first scroll, known as the Community Rule (or Manual of Discipline). This astonishing text gives you your first insight into the community and theology of the scrolls’ ancient creators and guardians.

33 min
Jesus in His Context

33: Jesus in His Context

Get a closer look at the historical background to the life and times of Jesus. Focus on Palestine’s history of war and foreign domination, the emergence of different forms of Judaism, and the Roman takeover of Israel about 60 years before Jesus was born.

31 min
The Legend of Troy

34: The Legend of Troy

The most enduring legacies from early Anatolia are the Iliad and the Odyssey. This lecture describes how the siege of Troy—and the exploits of Homer’s warrior chieftains—fit into the wider tale of imperial struggle and decline during Greece’s dark ages.

31 min
The Qin and the First Emperor of China

35: The Qin and the First Emperor of China

After the Qin ruled China for only 15 years, the dynasty established a model of government that became the country’s template for the next 2,000 years. Meet China’s first emperors and study the impact of Qin rule, from political reform to massive building projects.

30 min
Alexander Invades India

36: Alexander Invades India

Embark with Alexander on his most ambitious campaign: into the Indus Valley. Explore the warrior’s reasons for undertaking this expedition, learn about Indian battle methods and terrain, and examine why the Indian rajahs presented such formidable opposition to the invading Macedonians.

31 min

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