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Stephen Owen
Stephen Owen, PhD

I will show you the essentials of disaster preparedness as we draw lessons from calamities that have affected big cities and small towns across the United States.


Radford University

About Stephen Owen

Stephen Owen is a Professor of Criminal Justice at Radford University. He earned his PhD in Political Science from the University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL). He also holds a BS in Criminal Justice from Southeast Missouri State University and an MA in Political Science from UMSL. His studies focused on the links between criminal justice, public policy, public administration, and urban affairs. Professor Owen has also collaborated with the professional emergency management community, including as chair of the New River Valley Regional Local Emergency Planning Committee, a member of the board of directors for the Virginia Emergency Management Association, and a planning team member for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Tabletop Exercise for Institutions of Higher Education.


Professor Owen has published on a variety of topics related to criminal justice, including institutional corrections, interpersonal violence, criminal justice education, law and sexuality, and law enforcement policy issues. Most recently, his work has focused on issues related to emergency management, with a particular focus on the public safety community’s response to active shooter incidents.


Professor Owen has received the Radford University Foundation’s Distinguished Creative Scholar Award and Distinguished Service Award as well as Radford University’s College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award. In addition, he was recognized by his undergraduate alma mater, Southeast Missouri State University, with a Young Alumni Merit Award. At Radford University, Professor Owen regularly teaches the course Emergency Management. He has also developed unique course offerings, including Active Harmer Incidents in the United States and Investigating the Kennedy Assassination.


Professor Owen is coauthor of Foundations of Criminal Justice and has authored or coauthored more than 80 book chapters, articles, proceedings, encyclopedia entries, and reviews.

By This Professor

When Everything Fails: Surviving Any Disaster