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Skye C. Cleary
Skye C. Cleary, PhD
Existential thinking gives us a language and an intellectual framework to approach challenges with lucidity, to explore potential solutions, and to encourage us to get constructive and creative, for ouir own sake as well as humanity's.


Columbia University and The City College of New York

About Skye C. Cleary

Skye C. Cleary is a lecturer at Columbia University and The City College of New York. She earned a PhD in Management from Macquarie University. She is a philosopher and writer whose books include How to Be Authentic: Simone de Beauvoir and the Quest for Fulfillment, Existentialism and Romantic Love, and How to Live a Good Life. Her writing has appeared in The Paris Review, the Times Literary Supplement, TED-Ed, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, among other outlets. She also won a New Philosopher Writers’ Award and was a MacDowell Fellow.

By This Professor

Existentialism and the Authentic Life