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Satyan L. Devadoss
Satyan L. Devadoss, PhD
In my eyes, these lectures are the “greatest hits” of mathematics and the study of shape.  They are the reasons that I am in love with this subject.


Williams College

About Satyan L. Devadoss

Dr. Satyan L. Devadoss is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Williams College, where he has taught for more than eight years. Before joining the faculty of the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Williams, Professor Devadoss was a Ross Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from The Johns Hopkins University. Professor Devadoss has earned accolades for both his scholarship and his teaching. Among these awards are the William Kelso Morrill Award for excellence in teaching mathematics and the Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member, a national honor given by the Mathematical Association of America to honor faculty whose teaching has been extraordinarily successful and whose effectiveness in teaching undergraduate mathematics is shown to have influence beyond their own classrooms. Professor Devadoss's work in topology and computational geometry has also earned him numerous grants from the National Science Foundation, visiting positions at the University of California, Berkeley and The Ohio State University, and a position as a research member of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. In addition, he has published more than a dozen scholarly papers on mathematical subjects ranging from configuration spaces and cartography to origami and juggling.

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