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Sandy Neargarder
Sandy Neargarder, PhD
A better understanding of disorders affecting the brain can help all of us to minimize the risk of developing them, recognize possible symptoms, and ensure the most appropriate course of action, both for ourselves and others.


Bridgewater State University

About Sandy Neargarder

Sandy Neargarder is a Professor of Psychology at Bridgewater State University. She received her PhD in Experimental Psychology from Vanderbilt University with a dissertation on exploring dementia in Down syndrome. Following graduation, she served a two-year term as a postdoctoral research fellow at Boston University and has continued her involvement there as a research scientist in the Vision & Cognition Laboratory. Her research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Nutrition, Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Cortex, Neurology, Neuropsychology, Parkinson’s Disease, Perception, and Vision Research.

By This Professor

Understanding Disorders of the Brain