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Pye Jirsa
Pye Jirsa, Photographer

I want to give you a good understanding of how many types of situations flash can truly help out.



About Pye Jirsa

Pye Jirsa is a lifelong learner who has made a career out of creating frameworks.  These frameworks have helped millions learn languages, develop creativity, master photography, succeed in business, and even improve their communication within personal relationships.

As a founder and partner of SLR Lounge, Pye has taught and inspired thousands of photographers around the world with frameworks that make seemingly complex and intimidating topics simple and approachable. His frameworks have also helped create and scale Lin and Jirsa Photography, a boutique Socal wedding and portrait photography studio composed of a large creative team that shoots over 300 weddings each year, with nearly 1,000 yearly client commissions.  In addition, as the host of the Think Stupid Simple podcast, Pye engages in long-form conversations with smart, successful people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to uncover their stupid-simple frameworks for success and happiness.

By This Professor

Lighting 101