Practical Guide to Suicide Prevention

01: Who Dies by Suicide?
Suicide rates are increasing in the US. Dr. Benaroch reviews recent studies about who is primarily at risk and what the most telling warning signs can be. He devotes a good portion of this introductory lecture to rectifying misconceptions, and defining commonly misused and misunderstood concepts associated with suicide, including mental illness, addiction, and depression. He then breaks down newly-released statistics regarding risk in relation to age, gender, location, and other factors that contribute to a higher likelihood of suicide.

02: When Should You Act to Prevent Suicide?
Feeling down is part of life, but how to do you know the difference between a blue period and the vast hopelessness that lead to an increased suicide risk? Dr. Benaroch spends this lecture separating the normal feelings of sadness from markers of suicidal behavior. He outlines some major warning signs of suicide risk; provides insights into word use, actions, and reading someone’s mood; and teaches you how to look at changes in daily habits, including eating, sleeping, social activities, and more.

03: Preventing Suicide: What to Do, What to Say
Dr. Benaroch closes with a guide to help you decide the best steps to take: what to ask, what to say, and most importantly, what to do. He offers tips on how to start important conversations and what questions to ask, as well as what not to say when faced with a high-risk situation. He also provides a plethora of resources to help you should you ever be faced with this sensitive and scary situation.