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Phil Hirschkorn
Phil Hirschkorn, Reporter

About Phil Hirschkorn

Phil Hirschkorn is WMTW’s lead political reporter who also covers investigations and hard news. He has authored dozens of articles for magazines, newspapers, and websites and is a coeditor of the oral history book Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report September 11. He and his crew were one of the first CNN crews on the scene of the World Trade Center (WTC) attack. He extensively covered the aftermath of and the investigation into the 9/11 attacks, including the work of the 9/11 Commission. He also covered the debate over rebuilding the WTC site and its memorial, producing the episode “16 Acres” of the documentary program CNN Presents. He began covering al-Qaeda in 1998, reporting on the federal trial stemming from the twin terrorist bombings of US embassies in East Africa. He reported on many other major terrorism prosecutions, including the 9/11 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. He also produced an extensive series of reports on the 10th anniversary of the attacks for CBS News.

By This Professor

Reporting 9/11 and Why It Still Matters

Phil Hirschkorn is WMTW’s lead political reporter who also covers investigations and hard news. He has authored dozens of articles for magazines, newspapers, and websites and is a coeditor of the oral history book Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report September 11. He and his crew were one of the first CNN crews on the scene of the World Trade Center (WTC) attack. He extensively covered the aftermath of and the investigation into the 9/11 attacks, including the work of the 9/11 Commission. He also covered the debate over rebuilding the WTC site and its memorial, producing the episode “16 Acres” of the documentary program CNN Presents. He began covering al-Qaeda in 1998, reporting on the federal trial stemming from the twin terrorist bombings of US embassies in East Africa. He reported on many other major terrorism prosecutions, including the 9/11 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. He also produced an extensive series of reports on the 10th anniversary of the attacks for CBS News.

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Phil Hirschkorn is WMTW’s lead political reporter who also covers investigations and hard news. He has authored dozens of articles for magazines, newspapers, and websites and is a coeditor of the oral history book Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report September 11. He and his crew were one of the first CNN crews on the scene of the World Trade Center (WTC) attack. He extensively covered the aftermath of and the investigation into the 9/11 attacks, including the work of the 9/11 Commission. He also covered the debate over rebuilding the WTC site and its memorial, producing the episode “16 Acres” of the documentary program CNN Presents. He began covering al-Qaeda in 1998, reporting on the federal trial stemming from the twin terrorist bombings of US embassies in East Africa. He reported on many other major terrorism prosecutions, including the 9/11 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. He also produced an extensive series of reports on the 10th anniversary of the attacks for CBS News.

Professor First Name Phil
Professor Last Name Hirschkorn
Professor Qualification Reporter
Professor Biography

Phil Hirschkorn is WMTW’s lead political reporter who also covers investigations and hard news. He has authored dozens of articles for magazines, newspapers, and websites and is a coeditor of the oral history book Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report September 11. He and his crew were one of the first CNN crews on the scene of the World Trade Center (WTC) attack. He extensively covered the aftermath of and the investigation into the 9/11 attacks, including the work of the 9/11 Commission. He also covered the debate over rebuilding the WTC site and its memorial, producing the episode “16 Acres” of the documentary program CNN Presents. He began covering al-Qaeda in 1998, reporting on the federal trial stemming from the twin terrorist bombings of US embassies in East Africa. He reported on many other major terrorism prosecutions, including the 9/11 trial of Zacarias Moussaoui. He also produced an extensive series of reports on the 10th anniversary of the attacks for CBS News.