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Peter N. Stearns
Peter N. Stearns, PhD
It is more important for American students to learn something about the world as a whole, including how the West fits into larger world patterns, than it is to learn about the Western tradition more narrowly.


George Mason University

About Peter N. Stearns

Dr. Peter N. Stearns is Provost and Professor of History at George Mason University. He earned his bachelor's degree summa cum laude, master's degree, and doctorate in history from Harvard University. Professor Stearns has written widely on world history, including two popular textbooks. Other books include The Industrial Revolution in World History, Gender in World History, Consumerism in World History, Western Civilization in World History, Childhood in World History, and Global Outrage: The Evolution and Impact of World Opinion. He edited the Encyclopedia of World History, 6th edition. He has also written books and articles on emotions, dieting and obesity, old age, and work. Before coming to George Mason University, Professor Stearns taught at the University of Chicago, Rutgers University, and Carnegie Mellon University. While at Carnegie Mellon, he won the Smith Award for Teaching and Educational Service in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as the Spencer Award for Distinguished Teaching. From 1996 to 2006 Professor Stearns chaired the committee that devised the Advanced Placement world history course. He served as vice president of the American Historical Association, Teaching Division, from 1995 to 1998. He is also founder and editor of the Journal of Social History.

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