About Paul Deslandes
Paul Deslandes is a Professor of History at the University of Vermont, where he chairs the Department of History and the university’s Historic Preservation Program. He previously taught at Texas Tech University, where he was awarded the Hemphill-Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award and was elected to the Teaching Academy. He received his BA in History from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and his MA in British History and PhD in History from the University of Toronto.
Among the courses Paul offers at the University of Vermont are London: A Cultural History and Sex in Modern History. He has been active in promoting the teaching of history at the high school level, and he served for several years as chief reader for the College Board’s AP European History program. He also held the position of executive secretary for the North American Conference on British Studies.
Paul is a cultural historian of modern Britain and has focused much of his writing on the history of gender and sexuality, education, and fashion. He is the author of many articles, essays, and books, including Oxbridge Men: British Masculinity and the Undergraduate Experience, 1850–1920 and The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain: From the First Photographs to David Beckham. He also received a REACH grant for his project titled “Transatlantic Britishness: Architecture, Design, and Cultural Exchange, 1876–Present,” sustaining research for a book that will examine material culture and design exchanges between Britain and North America.