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Pamela B. Radcliff
Pamela B. Radcliff, PhD
The Spanish Civil War shared the same ideological fault line that fractured the first half of the 20th century. It represented a contest between left-wing revolution, liberal democracy, and authoritarianism or fascism.


University of California, San Diego

About Pamela B. Radcliff

Pamela B. Radcliff is a Professor of History at the University of California, San Diego. She received her PhD in History from Columbia University. Her dissertation on the origins of the Spanish Civil War later became her first book, From Mobilization to Civil War. Her other books on Spanish history are Modern Spain: 1808 to the Present and Making Democratic Citizens in Spain. She also coedited Constructing Spanish Womanhood and has received teaching awards for undergraduate and graduate instruction.

By This Professor

How the Spanish Civil War Became Europe’s Battlefield