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Mindfulness for the Workplace

Yes, it CAN exist. Discover how you can create a better experience for yourself while at work.
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In Mindfulness for the Workplace, you can find respite from life's frustrations with evidence-based solutions from expert Wendy Quan—author and pioneer in workplace mindfulness. With this course, you will learn to create a better experience at both work and life, no matter your circumstances.


Wendy Quan

Mindfulness helps us to cultivate joy, lightness, fun, wonder, curiosity, and gratitude.


The Calm Monkey

Wendy Quan is an expert in workplace mindfulness, an industry pioneer in training mindfulness meditation facilitators, and the founder of The Calm Monkey. She is also a certified organizational change manager and a professional speaker and author. Wendy has received recognition from the Association of Change Management Professionals and the Greater Good Science Center of the University of California, Berkeley. Her clients have included Google, the US National Park Service, Genentech, the government of Dubai, and Citrix.

By This Expert

Mindfulness for the Workplace
Mindfulness for the Workplace


Creating a Better Work Experience

01: Creating a Better Work Experience

It's easy to feel like things at your job are beyond your control—your workload, the culture, and how others treat you are outside factors. But by practicing mindfulness, you can create a better experience for yourself, no matter what your circumstances are and what your future may hold.

25 min
Unwinding Job Stress and Anxiety

02: Unwinding Job Stress and Anxiety

Does work create unpleasant stress or anxiety for you? Learn how to apply five key traits of mindfulness by using three rhythmic breathing techniques that will instantly reduce your anxiety and make things more manageable with practice.

31 min
Interacting Mindfully with Coworkers

03: Interacting Mindfully with Coworkers

Studies show work-related stress is a significant source of occupational illness, reduced productivity, and human error, even spilling over into your personal life. Our expert shows how to quickly use your new knowledge of mindfulness to improve your interactions with supervisors, coworkers, or clients who frustrate or irritate you.

20 min
Regaining Composure

04: Regaining Composure

Reaction versus choice—which do you think would help you have a more powerful response when you’re thrown off-balance by an upsetting situation? Our expert explains the importance of giving yourself space to reflect, and to choose your response, instead of going on autopilot to recover your composure quickly.

26 min
Becoming Focused and Productive

05: Becoming Focused and Productive

Did you know that you can immediately increase your focus and productivity by asking yourself one simple question? In this lesson, you will discover this and learn effective methods of letting stray thoughts go, and how to train yourself to apply quality attention to your task at hand.

26 min
Building Personal Resilience

06: Building Personal Resilience

Don't be confused, resilience isn't simply the ability to tough it out during hard times; mentally, you need time to recover and recharge. Get intimate with the inner workings of your mind, at every moment, so you can bounce back from life's tough moments as strong, or stronger than before.

27 min
Dealing Mindfully with Change

07: Dealing Mindfully with Change

Change that impacts you directly can cause a lot of stress in your life. The natural human response is to resist all change; however, the good news is that although these challenging circumstances are inevitable, you have the power to create a better experience for yourself by intentionally choosing your response.

18 min
Individual Change Meditation

08: Individual Change Meditation

Are you ready to put some of your new knowledge to work? In this lesson, our expert takes you through a 25-minute guided meditation. It’s purpose is to progress you through the five stages of the Individual Change Journey, which helps you work through your difficulties and solidify your intentions and wisdom.

30 min
Achieving Work-Life Balance

09: Achieving Work-Life Balance

Did you know that 83% of America's workforce experience signs of burnout? Too often, the demands of work-life carry over to personal life, bringing exhaustion, irritability, hopelessness, and guilt. Discover some easy and practical ways to help you feel more in balance, even if your workload stays the same.

21 min
Mindfulness for Better Team Dynamics

10: Mindfulness for Better Team Dynamics

Have you ever been in a meeting that felt scattered and unproductive and wished you didn't have to be there? This experience is common in group interactions. Fortunately, using the simple steps in this lesson, anyone can influence and improve their group interactions, not just the person in charge of the meeting.

24 min
Starting a Work Mindfulness Program

11: Starting a Work Mindfulness Program

By now, you may feel so inspired by your newfound mindfulness knowledge, and its results, that you might want to be the spark that brings it into your workplace. First, get some tips for how to start and for what mistakes to avoid. Then, share the concept with your coworkers.

21 min
Finding More Joy at Work and in Life

12: Finding More Joy at Work and in Life

We all have things in our lives that are challenging or bring us down. In this final lesson, you'll tie together the concepts you have gained from this course for integrating mindfulness into your daily life. As a result, no matter what the circumstances, you'll be able to keep breathing, smiling, and moving forward.

21 min

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