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Mike Siemsen
Mike Siemsen



About Mike Siemsen

Mike Siemsen is a lifelong woodworker. He has run his own cabinet and furniture shop, worked as a house carpenter, a restoration furniture maker on 18th century American furniture, and in millwork and fixture shops. Mike holds a B.S. in industrial education. He currently runs his own woodworking shop and teaches classes at Mike Siemsen's School of Woodworking.

By This Professor

Mike Siemsen is a lifelong woodworker. He has run his own cabinet and furniture shop, worked as a house carpenter, a restoration furniture maker on 18th century American furniture, and in millwork and fixture shops. Mike holds a B.S. in industrial education. He currently runs his own woodworking shop and teaches classes at Mike Siemsen's School of Woodworking.

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Short Description

Mike Siemsen is a lifelong woodworker. He has run his own cabinet and furniture shop, worked as a house carpenter, a restoration furniture maker on 18th century American furniture, and in millwork and fixture shops. Mike holds a B.S. in industrial education. He currently runs his own woodworking shop and teaches classes at Mike Siemsen's School of Woodworking.

Professor First Name Mike
Professor Last Name Siemsen
Professor Biography

Mike Siemsen is a lifelong woodworker. He has run his own cabinet and furniture shop, worked as a house carpenter, a restoration furniture maker on 18th century American furniture, and in millwork and fixture shops. Mike holds a B.S. in industrial education. He currently runs his own woodworking shop and teaches classes at Mike Siemsen's School of Woodworking.

Institution Craftsy