About Michael K. Salemi
Dr. Michael K. Salemi is Professor of Economics at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He completed undergraduate studies in economics at St. Mary's College in Winona, Minnesota, master's degrees in economics from Purdue University and the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, and a doctorate in economics from the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis. Professor Salemi has received numerous teaching awards from UNC-Chapel Hill, including the Tanner Award for Teaching and the Economics Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching awards. He has been recognized nationally with the Bower Medal in Economic Education from the Council for Economic Education and the Villard Award for Research in Economic Education from the National Association of Economic Educators. The Gus A. Stavros Center named him a Great Teacher in Economics in 2007. Professor Salemi is the author of two books and more than 60 published articles in macroeconomics, domestic and international monetary theory, and economic education. An acknowledged expert in economic education, Professor Salemi has been an instructor, workshop director, and workshop program director for national programs in teacher education. He has served on and chaired the Committee on Economic Education for the American Economic Association.