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Marisa Cranfill
Marisa Cranfill

Through the training practice, you’re going to be able to develop your willpower, your stamina.

About Marisa Cranfill

Marisa Cranfill is the founder and director of YOQI Yoga+Qigong. While living in China and Thailand for more than 15 years, she received direct transmission from qigong masters, nuns, and healers in the Buddhist, Daoist, and Thai shamanic traditions. Their guidance and blessings to teach became the catalyst for her to develop the YOQI method based on the Six Phases of Qi Flow. Marisa’s greatest joy is to help people cultivate their life-force energy to live long, healthy, and radiant lives. She is popularly known for her YOQI Yoga+Qigong YouTube channel and extensive video-on-demand library, offering beautiful follow-along routines that are accessible to all ages.

By This Professor

Qigong Flow for Health and Happiness