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Jennifer Shea
Jennifer Shea, Founder of Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes



About Jennifer Shea

A lifelong baker and party-maker, Jennifer Shea founded Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes and Party in 2007 with her husband. Jennifer and her desserts have appeared on "The Martha Stewart Show." Her cupcakes have also been featured in Vanity Fair and Sunset magazines, as well as on the Food Network. Trophy now has five bustling locations in the Seattle area.

By This Professor

A lifelong baker and party-maker, Jennifer Shea founded Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes and Party in 2007 with her husband. Jennifer and her desserts have appeared on "The Martha Stewart Show." Her cupcakes have also been featured in Vanity Fair and Sunset magazines, as well as on the Food Network. Trophy now has five bustling locations in the Seattle area.

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A lifelong baker and party-maker, Jennifer Shea founded Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes and Party in 2007 with her husband. Jennifer and her desserts have appeared on "The Martha Stewart Show." Her cupcakes have also been featured in Vanity Fair and Sunset magazines, as well as on the Food Network. Trophy now has five bustling locations in the Seattle area.

Professor First Name Jennifer
Professor Last Name Shea
Professor Qualification Founder of Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes
Professor Biography

A lifelong baker and party-maker, Jennifer Shea founded Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes and Party in 2007 with her husband. Jennifer and her desserts have appeared on "The Martha Stewart Show." Her cupcakes have also been featured in Vanity Fair and Sunset magazines, as well as on the Food Network. Trophy now has five bustling locations in the Seattle area.

Institution Craftsy