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J Jackson-Beckham
J Jackson-Beckham, PhD
Beer is woven throughout the history of civilization. It offers us a window into a human endeavor that dates back 13,000 years.


Brewers Association

About J Jackson-Beckham

J Jackson-Beckham is the Equity & Inclusion Partner for the Brewers Association, the not-for-profit trade association for American craft brewers, and is the founder of Crafted for All, a consultancy and professional development platform. She earned her PhD in Communication and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has published extensively on various aspects of beer history and the modern beer industry. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, USA TODAY, and VICE and by the James Beard Foundation. In 2020, she was named the Beer Person of the Year by Imbibe magazine.

By This Professor

The World of Beer: Tastes of History, Science, and Culture