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Gabrielle Fundaro
Gabrielle Fundaro, PhD

Let’s embrace the fact that we are not alone in our bodies. Our trillions of microbial residents play a crucial role in shaping our overall health and well-being.

About Gabrielle Fundaro

Gabrielle Fundaro is an ACE-Certified Health Coach trained in motivational interviewing, sports nutrition, and the Monash Low FODMAP program. She holds a PhD in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise from Virginia Tech. Before launching her telehealth coaching business, Vitamin PhD Nutrition, she was an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Georgia Gwinnett College. She has spoken internationally on gut health and behavior change and has contributed to magazines such as Shape, Oxygen, and Reader’s Digest. She is the coauthor of The Science of Gut Health: What the Research Really Says about Your Gut Microbiome.

By This Professor

Gut Health Explained