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Gabrielle F. Principe
Gabrielle F. Principe, PhD
Human memory is a process—a process situated in a dynamic and changing environment, moving across time, constantly updating our memories to serve us well in the current moment in order to help us thrive.


College of Charleston

About Gabrielle F. Principe

Gabrielle F. Principe is a Professor of Psychology at the College of Charleston. She received her PhD in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and later completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University. She has published her research in numerous scientific journals, including Psychological Science, the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, and the Journal of Cognition and Development. She is also the author of the book Your Brain on Childhood: The Unexpected Side Effects of Classrooms, Ballparks, Family Rooms, and the Minivan.

By This Professor

How Memory Works and Why Your Brain Remembers Wrong