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Eve MacDonald
Eve MacDonald, PhD
Even in his failure, his bitterest enemies continued to admire and fear Hannibal. His exploits passed into the realm of myth and legend in his own lifetime, and in his death he has retained a kind of heroic notoriety that few can ever hope for.


Cardiff University

About Eve MacDonald

Eve MacDonald is a Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at Cardiff University. She earned a PhD in Ancient History at the University of Ottawa. She wrote the book Hannibal: A Hellenistic Life and has published numerous papers on ancient history. She has also worked extensively in the field on excavations, including in Italy and Carthage in Tunisia. Additionally, she has conducted fieldwork at the site of Fulayj in Oman and taken part in excavations of Sasanian Persian outposts in Georgia and Iran for the Persia and Its Neighbours project.

By This Professor

Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome