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Debbie Millman
Debbie Millman, author, educator, brand strategist
Set big goals. You’re never going to get your dream job unless you dream big.



About Debbie Millman

Debbie Millman is a writer, designer, educator, artist, brand consultant and host of the podcast Design Matters. Named “one of the most creative people in business” by Fast Company, and “one of the most influential designers working today” by Graphic Design USA, Debbie is the author of six books, including two collections of interviews that have extended the ethos and editorial vision of Design Matters to the printed page: How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer and Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits. In 2009 Debbie co-founded with Steven Heller the world’s first graduate program in branding at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, which has achieved international acclaim. Debbie is also President Emeritus of AIGA, one of five women to hold the position in the organization’s 100-year history.

By This Professor

A Brand Called You