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Catherine B. Scallen
Catherine B. Scallen, PhD
The historical study of art provides a rich and tangible connection to past cultures that makes history come alive.


Case Western Reserve University

About Catherine B. Scallen

Dr. Catherine B. Scallen is Associate Professor of Art History at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where she has been teaching for more than 10 years. She earned her undergraduate degree in history from Wellesley College as a Wellesley Scholar. She went on to earn her M.A. with honors from the Williams College Graduate Program in the History of Art and her Ph.D. in Art History from Princeton University. After receiving her doctorate, she held a graduate internship in the Paintings Department of the J. Paul Getty Museum. Professor Scallen's scholarship has centered on the art of the 17th-century Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn, the subject of many of her articles. She is the author of Rembrandt, Reputation, and the Practice of Connoisseurship. Professor Scallen has served as a faculty study leader on trips to The Netherlands and Belgium for the Cleveland Museum of Art, Princeton University, and Case Western Reserve University. She has also provided audio commentary for Flemish Paintings from the Hermitage Museum, an exhibition on 17th-century Flemish art held at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto.

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