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Gain a deeper appreciation for the arts, music, and culture as you acquire new skills and develop existing ones.

Classical Music View All

Great Music of the 20th Century
The Great Courses
The 23 Greatest Solo Piano Works
The Great Courses
Great Piano Works Explained
The Great Courses
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, 3rd Edition
The Great Courses
The Great Works of Sacred Music
The Great Courses
How Music and Mathematics Relate
The Great Courses
The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works
The Great Courses
Symphonies of Beethoven
The Great Courses
Music as a Mirror of History
The Great Courses

Music Appreciation View All

America's Musical Heritage
The Great Courses
The Banjo: Music, History, and Heritage
The Great Courses
England, the 1960s, and the Triumph of the Beatles
The Great Courses
How to Dance
The Great Courses
How to Play the Ukulele
The Great Courses
How to Play Piano
The Great Courses
How to Sing
The Great Courses
Learning to Play Guitar: Chords, Scales, and Solos
The Great Courses
How to Play the Violin
The Great Courses
Great Music of the 20th Century
The Great Courses
How Music and Mathematics Relate
The Great Courses
The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works
The Great Courses
Playing Guitar like a Pro: Lead, Solo, and Group Performance
The Great Courses
Music as a Mirror of History
The Great Courses

Music Instruction View All

How to Play the Violin
The Great Courses
How to Play the Ukulele
The Great Courses
How to Dance
The Great Courses
How to Sing
The Great Courses
How to Play Piano
The Great Courses
Learning to Play Guitar: Chords, Scales, and Solos
The Great Courses
Playing Guitar like a Pro: Lead, Solo, and Group Performance
The Great Courses

Musical Theory View All

Music Theory: The Foundation of Great Music
The Great Courses
America's Musical Heritage
The Great Courses
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, 3rd Edition
The Great Courses
How Music and Mathematics Relate
The Great Courses
Music and the Brain
The Great Courses