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Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire

Go beyond the myth to learn about Alexander the Great, his empire, and why he is known as an innovative military genius who forged a new world order, led by a professor who is an expert on the classical world.
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Go beyond the myth to learn about ancient history's greatest military leader and his time in Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire. In 36 spellbinding lectures, you'll enter Alexander's world and witness the astonishing feats of military genius that have made Alexander's name renowned to the present day. An expert on the classical world, Professor Kenneth W. Harl introduces you to all sides of this fascinating figure-the passions that drove him, the extraordinary talents and insights he brought to the battlefield, and the intensive training that helped mold his character. With this detailed portrait, you'll truly understand what made Alexander so great.


Kenneth W. Harl

We will be looking largely at archeological evidence and analysis done by anthropologists because we are operating largely in a world without writing.


Tulane University
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By This Professor

The Ottoman Empire
The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes
The Vikings
The Fall of the Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity
Alexander the Great-Conqueror or Tyrant?

01: Alexander the Great-Conqueror or Tyrant?

Who was Alexander, and how has his story come down to us? Learn about the ancient sources that contribute to our understanding of Alexander's life and legacy, and examine the ways this great figure has been perceived by modern scholars....

32 min
Greece in the Age of Hegemonies

02: Greece in the Age of Hegemonies

The story of Alexander starts centuries before his birth, in the Greek city-states scattered throughout the Aegean. Trace the conflicts, alliances, and political crises that shaped the Greek world in the generations before Alexander and paved the way for his father Philip's remarkable conquest of the region....

30 min
Achaemenid Persia

03: Achaemenid Persia

The Persian Empire of the 4th century offered a formidable opponent to Alexander in his conquest for world domination. Explore the history and conditions of this mighty empire in the two centuries before Alexander's rise and examine the political and administrative structures that contributed to its success as a world power....

30 min
The World of Early Macedon

04: The World of Early Macedon

Although they would ultimately unite Greece, Philip and Alexander were not considered full-fledged Greeks. Learn about their "barbarian" homeland of Macedon, and investigate its relationship to the more culturally influential city-states of Greece....

30 min
Philip II and the Macedonian Way of War

05: Philip II and the Macedonian Way of War

In his victories, Alexander was indebted to his father, Philip II, for his remarkable innovations in warcraft. Investigate Philip's achievements, including his reorganization of the Macedonian army, and gain an appreciation of his achievements through a study of three decisive battles....

30 min
The Third Sacred War

06: The Third Sacred War

Examine a turning point in Greek political history, the Third Sacred War, a conflict that pitted major powers in Sparta and Thebes in a battle for dominance. Trace the complicated negotiations in this conflict that led to Philip's control of Delphi and, ultimately, the Aegean....

30 min
The Macedonian Conquest of Greece

07: The Macedonian Conquest of Greece

By 346 B.C., Philip of Macedon could congratulate himself on some stunning victories, but his greatest achievement was yet to come. Investigate the ingenious political and military maneuvers, culminating in the decisive Battle of Charonea, which gave Philip control of the Greek world....

30 min
The League of Corinth

08: The League of Corinth

Philip's defeat of Greece was matched only by the diplomatically ingenious settlement of his newly conquered territories. Analyze the ruler's strategies for running his empire, and take a close look at one of his most impressive administrative projects, his creation of the League of Corinth....

31 min
Alexander, Heir Apparent

09: Alexander, Heir Apparent

Gain an introduction to Alexander as you learn about the influence of his parents, Philip II and Olympias. Examine the shaping force of life at the Macedonian court of Pella, explore the sense of "destiny" that would motivate the young king throughout his meteoric career, and investigate the lurid politics that put Alexander on the throne....

32 min
Securing the Inheritance, 336-335 B.C.

10: Securing the Inheritance, 336-335 B.C.

When Philip died, Alexander was only 20 or 21 years old. In this lecture, discover how the young king secured the remarkable political legacy left by his father, including his efforts to subdue Balkan peoples and take control of the League of Corinth....

30 min
The Invasion of Asia

11: The Invasion of Asia

When Alexander crossed into Asia in 334 B.C., he was essentially conquering the known world-or most of the civilized known world-for his generation. Take a close look at the forces Alexander brought to bear on this excursion, including his superb army, talented officers, and remarkable engineering corps....

31 min
The Battle of the Granicus

12: The Battle of the Granicus

Join Alexander on the field of war for the first of his four greatest battles as he encountered the Persian forces at the Granicus River in May 334 B.C. Analyze the audacious and ingenious strategies that allowed Alexander to defeat his Persian foe in a stunning victory....

31 min
The Turning Point-Issus and Tyre

13: The Turning Point-Issus and Tyre

With three decisive victories-one battle and two sieges-Alexander essentially conquered the western half of the Persian Empire, and all in fewer than three years. Follow the battle strategies of Alexander as he drove the Persian king Darius from the battlefield in their first conflict....

31 min
Alexander, Pharaoh of Egypt

14: Alexander, Pharaoh of Egypt

Following his remarkable victories over the Persians, Alexander entered the rich territories of Egypt. Explore the reasons for Alexander's easy conquest of the land of the pharaohs and learn about his great achievements there, including his establishment of a new city, Alexandria....

30 min
Heroes, Oracles, and the Gods

15: Heroes, Oracles, and the Gods

Alexander famously equated himself with heroic, semi-divine forebears, such as Achilles and Heracles. But did he really consider himself a god? Examine the evidence of Alexander's divine aspirations, and consider whether his emulation of the gods was pragmatic or idealistic....

31 min
The Campaign of Gaugamela

16: The Campaign of Gaugamela

Two years after Alexander's resounding defeat of Darius, the two foes met again on the battlefield of Gaugamela. Study the strategies and tactics that Alexander employed in his most inspired campaign, which effectively gave the Macedonian king control of the entire Persian Empire....

30 min
The Conquest of Iran

17: The Conquest of Iran

Following his stunning victory at Gaugamela, Alexander pushed on into ancient Iran in pursuit of Darius. Trace his steps as he pursued the former Persian king, subdued the various satraps who ruled these vast territories, and established his reign over the eastern regions of Bactria and Sogdiana....

30 min
Alexander on the Rim of the World

18: Alexander on the Rim of the World

After defeating the Persian Empire, Alexander defied expectation and continued his expansion into central Asia. Examine Alexander's wars of pacification to keep this new frontier under control, as well as his reorganization of the Macedonian army to prepare for fresh conquests....

31 min
Governing and Taxing the Empire

19: Governing and Taxing the Empire

Alexander is often seen as the supreme man of action, conquering new lands and expanding his frontier. But how did this man of action rule the lands he had conquered? Explore how Alexander administered his extensive territories and consider whether he deliberately sought a policy of cultural unification....

31 min
Alexander and the Macedonian Opposition

20: Alexander and the Macedonian Opposition

Despite Alexander's military successes, between 330 B.C. and 327 B.C., there were signs of unrest among the Macedonian forces. Consult contemporary sources to learn about three major incidents that provide evidence of a growing sense of opposition to Alexander....

32 min
The Invasion of India

21: The Invasion of India

Embark with Alexander on his most stunning campaign into the Indus Valley. Explore Alexander's reasons for wanting to undertake this expedition, learn about Indian battle methods and terrain, and examine why the Indian rajahs presented such formidable opposition to the invading Macedonians....

30 min
The Battle of the Hydaspes

22: The Battle of the Hydaspes

During the India campaign, Alexander waged his most remarkable battle at the Hydaspes River. Learn why this battle-which required intense fighting in a rising river against forces backed by trained elephants-represents the general Alexander at his best....

30 min
Mutiny and Withdrawal

23: Mutiny and Withdrawal

Continue your study of Alexander's difficult eastward campaign by following the Macedonian forces as they trekked toward the mouth of the Indus River, and hear about the so-called mutiny of the Macedonian forces that halted Alexander's continued press into this forbidding territory....

29 min
The Gedrosian Desert and Voyage of Nearchus

24: The Gedrosian Desert and Voyage of Nearchus

After nearly 10 years on the march, Alexander's troops were ready to return to Macedon. Follow their long and dangerous march out of India across bleak stretches of landscape, and learn of the accompanying journey taken by Alexander's fleet, which would lay the course for future trade routes....

30 min
Deification and Succession

25: Deification and Succession

When Alexander returned from his India expedition, he had been away from his empire for almost six years and hadn't visited Macedonia in 10 years. Examine the administrative challenges he encountered upon his return and explore the changes he made to get his empire under control....

30 min
Alexander and the Macedonians-Opis

26: Alexander and the Macedonians-Opis

Learn about the final years of Alexander's reign before his premature death at the age of 33. Discover how his need to appease his new Persian subjects led to unrest among his Macedonian troops, culminating in the mutiny of Opis, and the steps Alexander took to quell this uprising....

31 min
Alexander and the Greeks-The Lamian War

27: Alexander and the Greeks-The Lamian War

Unlike his father, Philip, Alexander had a tenuous relationship with his Greek subjects and made many mistakes in his dealings with them after returning from India. Examine Alexander's position as the head of the League of Corinth, including the Greek uprising that followed his disastrous Exiles Decree....

31 min
The Diadochoi, 323-316 B.C.

28: The Diadochoi, 323-316 B.C.

At his death, Alexander failed to name a specific successor, saying instead that his empire should go to "the strongest." Meet the key players in the battle for supremacy of the Macedonian Empire, including some of Alexander's key generals, governors and satraps, and family members....

31 min
The Partition of the Empire, 316-301 B.C.

29: The Partition of the Empire, 316-301 B.C.

Continue your consideration of the break-up of Alexander's empire after his death and investigate the critical conflict in this confrontation, the Battle of Ipsus. Review the key players who maneuvered for power and examine their various solutions to the problem of how to rule the empire....

32 min
The Hellenistic Concert of Powers

30: The Hellenistic Concert of Powers

The immense Macedonian Empire built by Alexander was completely dismantled in the aftermath of the climactic Battle of Ipsus. Trace the contours of the newly divided territories as they were divvied up by the victorious leaders: Seleucus, Lysimachus, Cassander, and Ptolemy....

31 min
Macedonian Courts in the Near East

31: Macedonian Courts in the Near East

By 275 B.C., the Macedonian Empire had been divided into three kingdoms. Explore the ways the rulers of these new kingdoms attempted to emulate Alexander in their use of coinage, their definition of kingship, their interest in exploration and voyages of discovery, and their founding of new cities....

31 min
The Hellenization of the Near East

32: The Hellenization of the Near East

Begin your consideration of the legacy left by Alexander with a study of the political consequences of the great Macedonian ruler's reign. Investigate the traces of Alexander's "Hellenizing" influence as seen in the Greek-style cities, sponsorship of athletic and cultural festivals, and political administration in Asia, Egypt, and Macedon....

31 min
The Monetization of the Near East

33: The Monetization of the Near East

What was the effect of Alexander's massive military spending and city-building efforts on economic life in the Mediterranean? Explore how Alexander drastically transformed the economy of the ancient world through the widespread coinage of money, the creation of new markets, and the establishment of long-distance trade....

30 min
Hellenization and the Gods

34: Hellenization and the Gods

Wherever he went, Alexander viewed the foreign gods he encountered as versions of the Greek deities he worshiped in Macedon. Delve into the effect of this practices on religion in the ancient world and examine to what extent Alexander can be said to have "Hellenized" worship in his empire....

31 min
The Limits of Hellenization

35: The Limits of Hellenization

Why did Alexander's empire dissolve after his death? If his legacy was not his empire, what did he bequeath to his heirs? Consider the impact of Alexander's dissemination of Hellenistic culture on the ancient world and in later empires....

30 min
Alexander the Great and the Shadow of Rome

36: Alexander the Great and the Shadow of Rome

What would've happened if there had been no Alexander? Trace the influence of this great leader conqueror after his death, and explore his ultimate legacy as history's premier military general and the standard of excellence in leadership....

30 min

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