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Adam Jortner
Adam Jortner, PhD

One of the great privileges of being a historian is that I get to talk about 'what if.' I get to remind people that things are not foreordained, and even in stormy times, great things may happen.


Auburn University

About Adam Jortner

Adam Jortner is the Goodwin-Philpott Eminent Professor of Religion in the Department of History at Auburn University. He received his PhD in History from the University of Virginia. He has written and lectured extensively on the history of religion and the imagination, and he has received grants and fellowships from many organizations, including the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Antiquarian Society. His books include No Place for Saints, Blood from the Sky, and The Gods of Prophetstown, which won the James H. Broussard Best First Book Prize, awarded to new authors writing about the history of the early American republic.

By This Professor

10 Great What-Ifs of American History